Re: Relative directories for database-mail_root and -path?

Subject: Re: Relative directories for database-mail_root and -path?

Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 20:10:30 +0100



From: Ralph Seichter

* Carl Worth:

> No apology needed!

Thank you all who commented and were understanding. You made me feel
less foolish.

> In spite of the redundancy, perhaps it would make sense to add:
> A non-absolute path is presumed relative to $HOME. [...]

Good idea. That text, or perhaps the equivalent of a

  <a href="#paths">see: paths</a>

link pointing to the existing paragraph containing the detailed
explanation of absolute versus relative paths? Like you mentioned, I
jumped into the manpage searching for database.path specifics, including
DATABASE LOCATION. Scrolling upwards to an unmarked paragraph did not
occur to me at the time.

By the way, it is certainly not a technical requirement, but supporting
the "~" prefix as an alias for $HOME would be an idiomatic way to permit
users to explicitly mark paths as relative to their home directory.
Interpreting the absence of a "/" prefix obviously works fine from a
technical standpoint, but added "~" support would enhance readability,
I think.

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