Re: out of memory on idle machine

Subject: Re: out of memory on idle machine

Date: Wed, 03 Feb 2021 07:32:08 -0400

To: Gregor Zattler, notmuch


From: David Bremner

Gregor Zattler <> writes:
> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$ stat --format "%Y"  ~/Mail/inbox/cur
> 1612091679
> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$ stat --format "%y"  ~/Mail/inbox/cur
> 2021-01-31 12:14:39.771049424 +0100
> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$
> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$ quest -bdir:XDIRECTORY -d ~/Mail/.notmuch/xapian/ dir:inbox/cur
> bash: quest: command not found
> 127 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$ quest -bdir:XDIRECTORY -d ~/Mail/.notmuch/xapian/ dir:inbox/cur
> Parsed Query: Query(0 * XDIRECTORYinbox/cur)
> MSet:
> 1114128: [0]
> inbox/cur
> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$ xapian-delve -r 1114128 -VS0 ~/Mail/.notmuch/xapian
> Value 0 for record #1114128: 1.61208e+09
> Term List for record #1114128: XDDIRENTRY1114127:cur XDIRECTORYinbox/cur
> So I think that's OK on my laptop, after the first notmuch
> new.  Now I do another one.

There is the rounding error in the last digit (8 vs. 9), but I'm not
sure if that matters, or if it's just in the output formatting.

> Processed 121712 total files in 45m 4s (45 files/sec.).
> Added 85345 new messages to the database. Removed 3 messages.
> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$
> The Problem remains, but at a different scale: In between
> these two notmuch new runs there were only a few hours,
> there's no way I received 121712 or 85345 emails in this time
> frame.

If you use "notmuch new --debug" for your second run that may give you
more information about what files are being (re)-added. Be warned that
will probably generate copious output, so better to redirect.

> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$ xapian-delve -r 1114128 -VS0 ~/Mail/.notmuch/xapian-2
> Value 0 for record #1114128: 1.61209e+09
> Term List for record #1114128: XDDIRENTRY1114127:cur XDIRECTORYinbox/cur
> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$ stat --format "%Y"  ~/Mail/inbox/cur
> 1612091679
> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$ quest -bdir:XDIRECTORY -d ~/Mail/.notmuch/xapian-2/ dir:inbox/cur
> Parsed Query: Query(0 * XDIRECTORYinbox/cur)
> MSet:
> 1114128: [0]
> inbox/cur
> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$ xapian-delve -r 1114128 -VS0 ~/Mail/.notmuch/xapian-2
> Value 0 for record #1114128: 1.61209e+09
> Term List for record #1114128: XDDIRENTRY1114127:cur XDIRECTORYinbox/cur
> 0 (master *) grfz@no:~/Mail/.notmuch$

Here I don't see the rounding error, which is (potentially)
interesting. Perhaps after a run with --debug we will have some idea of
what directory is being rescanned.

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