[PATCH 04/32] emacs: notmuch-start-notmuch: remove backward compatibility code

Subject: [PATCH 04/32] emacs: notmuch-start-notmuch: remove backward compatibility code

Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 17:23:33 +0100

To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org


From: Jonas Bernoulli

We no longer support Emacs releases before version 25.1.

Also adjust the sentinels which only had to deal with
an error file when using an older Emacs release was used.
 emacs/notmuch-lib.el | 64 ++++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/emacs/notmuch-lib.el b/emacs/notmuch-lib.el
index e23999ad..76387779 100644
--- a/emacs/notmuch-lib.el
+++ b/emacs/notmuch-lib.el
@@ -896,42 +896,19 @@ (defun notmuch-start-notmuch (name buffer sentinel &rest args)
 invoke `set-process-sentinel' directly on the returned process,
 as that will interfere with the handling of stderr and the exit
-  (let (err-file err-buffer proc err-proc
-		 ;; Find notmuch using Emacs' `exec-path'
-		 (command (or (executable-find notmuch-command)
-			      (error "Command not found: %s" notmuch-command))))
-    (if (fboundp 'make-process)
-	(progn
-	  (setq err-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *notmuch-stderr*"))
-	  ;; Emacs 25 and newer has `make-process', which allows
-	  ;; redirecting stderr independently from stdout to a
-	  ;; separate buffer. As this allows us to avoid using a
-	  ;; temporary file and shell invocation, use it when
-	  ;; available.
-	  (setq proc (make-process
-		      :name name
-		      :buffer buffer
-		      :command (cons command args)
-		      :connection-type 'pipe
-		      :stderr err-buffer))
-	  (setq err-proc (get-buffer-process err-buffer))
-	  (process-put proc 'err-buffer err-buffer)
-	  (process-put err-proc 'err-file err-file)
-	  (process-put err-proc 'err-buffer err-buffer)
-	  (set-process-sentinel err-proc #'notmuch-start-notmuch-error-sentinel))
-      ;; On Emacs versions before 25, there is no way to capture
-      ;; stdout and stderr separately for asynchronous processes, or
-      ;; even to redirect stderr to a file, so we use a trivial shell
-      ;; wrapper to send stderr to a temporary file and clean things
-      ;; up in the sentinel.
-      (setq err-file (make-temp-file "nmerr"))
-      (let ((process-connection-type nil)) ;; Use a pipe
-	(setq proc (apply #'start-process name buffer
-			  "/bin/sh" "-c"
-			  "exec 2>\"$1\"; shift; exec \"$0\" \"$@\""
-			  command err-file args)))
-      (process-put proc 'err-file err-file))
+  (let* ((command (or (executable-find notmuch-command)
+		      (error "Command not found: %s" notmuch-command)))
+	 (err-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *notmuch-stderr*"))
+	 (proc (make-process
+		:name name
+		:buffer buffer
+		:command (cons command args)
+		:connection-type 'pipe
+		:stderr err-buffer))
+	 (err-proc (get-buffer-process err-buffer)))
+    (process-put err-proc 'err-buffer err-buffer)
+    (set-process-sentinel err-proc #'notmuch-start-notmuch-error-sentinel)
+    (process-put proc 'err-buffer err-buffer)
     (process-put proc 'sub-sentinel sentinel)
     (process-put proc 'real-command (cons notmuch-command args))
     (set-process-sentinel proc #'notmuch-start-notmuch-sentinel)
@@ -939,9 +916,7 @@ (defun notmuch-start-notmuch (name buffer sentinel &rest args)
 (defun notmuch-start-notmuch-sentinel (proc event)
   "Process sentinel function used by `notmuch-start-notmuch'."
-  (let* ((err-file (process-get proc 'err-file))
-	 (err-buffer (or (process-get proc 'err-buffer)
-			 (find-file-noselect err-file)))
+  (let* ((err-buffer (process-get proc 'err-buffer))
 	 (err (and (not (zerop (buffer-size err-buffer)))
 		   (with-current-buffer err-buffer (buffer-string))))
 	 (sub-sentinel (process-get proc 'sub-sentinel))
@@ -977,16 +952,11 @@ (defun notmuch-start-notmuch-sentinel (proc event)
        ;; Emacs behaves strangely if an error escapes from a sentinel,
        ;; so turn errors into messages.
-       (message "%s" (error-message-string err))))
-    (when err-file (ignore-errors (delete-file err-file)))))
+       (message "%s" (error-message-string err))))))
 (defun notmuch-start-notmuch-error-sentinel (proc event)
-  (let* ((err-file (process-get proc 'err-file))
-	 ;; When `make-process' is available, use the error buffer
-	 ;; associated with the process, otherwise the error file.
-	 (err-buffer (or (process-get proc 'err-buffer)
-			 (find-file-noselect err-file))))
-    (when err-buffer (kill-buffer err-buffer))))
+  (let ((buffer (process-get proc 'err-buffer)))
+    (kill-buffer buffer)))
 (defvar-local notmuch-show-process-crypto nil)
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