Re: Introducing ner: an ncurses based notmuch ui

Subject: Re: Introducing ner: an ncurses based notmuch ui

Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 12:54:24 -0700

To: Michael Forney,


From: Carl Worth

On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 20:44:54 -0700, Michael Forney <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,

Hi Michael,

> For a while now, I (with help from Mike Kelly and Ingmar Vanhassel) have
> been working on an alternative mail client to notmuch.el called ner
> (notmuch email reader). ner uses a command specified by the user to edit
> and send mail, and uses libnotmuch as opposed to output from the notmuch
> command line. ner also has the ability to pipe a message through a
> command (like elinks or w3m) to display html messages.

Thanks so much for sharing this! It looks hugely interesting to me. If
nothing else, I'm delighted to have an email client targeting the
notmuch library directly, (rather than running the notmuch binary like
notmuch.el does). This should be a great help to us in ensuring the
library interface does what it should.

Also, lots of people have been interested in a native, curses interface
to notmuch. So I'm delighted to see that become a reality.

> Anyway, if you are interested, we have a website set up at
>, and an IRC channel #ner on Freenode, so feel free to
> stop by if you want to help or follow ner's progress.

I'm there now.

And meanwhile, please feel free to use the notmuch mailing list, the
#notmuch IRC channel, and the wiki as much as it makes
sense to you. It's already quite plain that the emacs interface occupies
a lot of the traffic at all of those places, so I would be more than
happy to have traffic from alternate notmuch interfaces there as well.

At the very least, I'd like it to be very easy for people visiting to be able to find ner. So I'd be more than happy to
host releases at , etc.

And if there's anything else I can do to support the project, please let
me know.

> Thanks for reading!

And thanks for your contribution.


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