Introducing ner: an ncurses based notmuch ui

Subject: Introducing ner: an ncurses based notmuch ui

Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 20:44:54 -0700



From: Michael Forney

Hi everyone,

For a while now, I (with help from Mike Kelly and Ingmar Vanhassel) have
been working on an alternative mail client to notmuch.el called ner
(notmuch email reader). ner uses a command specified by the user to edit
and send mail, and uses libnotmuch as opposed to output from the notmuch
command line. ner also has the ability to pipe a message through a
command (like elinks or w3m) to display html messages.

ner is still missing major features like modifying tags (yes, I
know...), saving attachments, gpg, etc, but it is fairly usable to
search through, read, send, and reply to mail.

Currently, at least gcc-4.4, and yaml-cpp-0.2.5 are required.

Anyway, if you are interested, we have a website set up at, and an IRC channel #ner on Freenode, so feel free to
stop by if you want to help or follow ner's progress.

Thanks for reading!

Michael Forney <>
