Re: Wrapping up the 0.3 release

Subject: Re: Wrapping up the 0.3 release

Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 09:53:17 -0700

To: Carl Worth,


From: Dirk Hohndel

On Sat, 24 Apr 2010 08:37:11 -0700, Carl Worth <> wrote:
> I pushed hard to get most everything we wanted for 0.3 done yesterday,
> (which was one week since 0.2). I think we're still within the tolerance
> of my published "about a week" schedule, but I would like to wrap things
> up soon.
> Here are the features that I still have left in my queue at this point:
>   * improve from-header guessing
>     Dirk is looking into fixing a segfault found by the test suite here

I sent a patch last night - but it's not realtive to the last thing that
I sent, instead relative to last night's master. Do you want me to
create another one?

Basically, the way I was trying to do concatenation of Received headers
earlier was fundamentally broken - it made assumptions about being able
to continue reading the headers even after we closed the file already.

Not so good.
>   * Fcc, Maildir, and Emacs message-mode -- a bit of code
>     This is next on my list to apply. Thanks for the extra testing!
> There are a few other features that people had proposed but that didn't
> pass review yet. If people follow-up with those quickly, they can still
> go in. Otherwise, there's another new merge window coming up soon!

I'll be working on notmuch for the next few hours and once my git trees
are straightened out again, I'll look into what's missing from my wish

> Meanwhile, I'm aware of two regressions I'd like to see fixed before
> 0.3:
>   * Reply is now splitting the window
>     We're copying the original message into the new reply buffer, so
>     what's the advantage of splitting here?

I'll voice my "don't like" of this feature as well, I guess.

>   * Composing a new message with 'm' brings up headers in a scrambled
>     order.
>     A minor point, but it would be nice to fix this.

It doesn't for me with origin/master. Or let me double check... what do
you think would be the correct order (as this is a matter of taste for
some people)...

> Finally, any of the tweaks I suggested to notmuch-hello mode would be
> quite welcome. I might take a whack at some of these.
> Then, there's the task of writing up NEWS. Dirk started helping with
> that, which I appreciate. If anyone else wants to write up descriptions
> of their favorite features that have been merged, that would be great.

I think we should make this a "requirement" for patches to include a
little NEWS blurb and either a test case or an explanation why there
isn't a test case...

