[notmuch] Why is no. of files from count_files reset to 0?

Subject: [notmuch] Why is no. of files from count_files reset to 0?

Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 15:36:51 +0100

To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org


From: Jan Janak


The function count_file returns the total number of files to be
processed, the result is then stored in add_files_state.total_files.
But that variable is reset back to 0 in notmuch_new_command.

When I comment out the following line (before add_files is called):

add_files_state.total_files = 0;

The progress indicator shows the total number of files to be
processed, as well as the time remaining. This is, IMHO, much better,
especially if you process a large collection of emails.

Is there any reason for having the variable reset to 0 before calling
add_files? Thanks!

   -- Jan
