bash completion error with 0.17

Subject: bash completion error with 0.17

Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2014 11:35:05 +0100



From: Anand Buddhdev

Hi people,

I've just discovered notmuch. I've installed version 0.17 on my Mac using
Homebrew. I've also built a forked mutt with notmuch support, and I'm
exploring setting up virtual folders, and keeping all mail in a single "All
Mail" Maildir, with everything just tagged, a la Gmail :) I love it.

I have one issue to report: when I type "notmuch" at the command-line and
press tab, bash completion gives me the following error:

$ notmuch -bash: _init_completion: command not found

Looks like something is missing in the bash completion script. I'd
appreciate if someone could make a patch.


