Differences between notmuch and M-x notmuch in emacs

Subject: Differences between notmuch and M-x notmuch in emacs

Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 17:38:53 -0500

To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org


From: Brett Viren

I'm using OfflineIMAP and Dovecot plus notmuch from git's current HEAD.  I do:

 notmuch count tag:unread

But doing "M-x notmuch" in emacs it shows

  44,895 unread

Does anyone know what the discrepancy may be due to?

If it matters, I'm also trying to get GNUS to play nice with this
setup and having troubles w.r.t. GNUS always wanting to retrieve all
articles, even ones that are "ancient" (marked with "O").  It may be

