Re: fix notmuch.vim NM_compuse_get_user_email() (Patch)

Subject: Re: fix notmuch.vim NM_compuse_get_user_email() (Patch)

Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 17:01:31 +1000

To: Peter John Hartman,


From: Carl Worth

On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 00:01:19 -0500, Peter John Hartman <> wrote:
> Here's a bitty patch to the vim plugin; it now calculates the primary email
> of the user based on a call to notmuch config.  There's still a lot of work
> that needs to get done on notmuch.vim, e.g., the ability to have multiple
> emails/accounts.

Thanks, Peter.

I've applied this now. And will push it out as soon as I get back on the
network, (which is the same time this email will go out---so hopefully
its out by the time you're reading this).


PS. For future patches, if you can run "git commit -a" and then "git
format-patch HEAD~" and send the resulting file, then that will be more
convenient. That will give you a chance to describe the commit with a
commit message, and it will make it easier for me to apply it.
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