Re: [PATCH] emacs: tweak error buffer handling

Subject: Re: [PATCH] emacs: tweak error buffer handling

Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2012 08:44:43 -0400

To: Mark Walters, Austin Clements


From: David Bremner

Mark Walters <> writes:

> Austin Clements <amdragon@MIT.EDU> writes:

>> How about showing all errors in the minibuffer (which could simply
>> mean calling (error ...) and letting the Emacs top-level show it in
>> the mini-buffer)?  We could log the verbose error details (like
>> stdout) to some other buffer that we don't automatically show, but
>> instead simply reference from the minibuffer message
> That sounds great. In an ideal world we could behave slightly
> differently for fatal errors but the common errors are likely to be
> transient (locked database errors) so getting these right (which this
> would do) seems the important step.
> My view is that we should push a fix like the above for 0.15. What do
> other people think?

Sounds reasonable. I have to admit the new reporting is a bit annoying
for transient messages.

