Code Style Bikeshed 1/n: Break before Brace or Brace before Break?

Subject: Code Style Bikeshed 1/n: Break before Brace or Brace before Break?

Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2011 08:04:32 -0400

To: Notmuch Mail


From: David Bremner

In id:"" we started
discussing the use of uncrustify (or some equivalent tool) to enforce
code style. In order for this to work, we would need to be a bit more
rigid about style.

So my sunday morning bikeshed-bait is do we want 

if (...) {


if (...) 

(and similarly for 'switch', 'for', 'while')

If I look at a small sample of Carl's original code it seems like the
former is more typical. But I might be biased because that is what I

