handling mail sent to a subscribed list

Subject: handling mail sent to a subscribed list

Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 12:49:17 +0100

To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org


From: Brandon Invergo

Hi everyone,

This is probably a rather simplistic question but I haven't been able to
find the proper settings to overcome it; I also wasn't able to find a
similar question in the list archives.

I am using the notmuch emacs client (0.14) on several different
computers. I find that when I send an email to a mailing list to which I
am subscribed, the copy of my message that I eventually receive from the
list sits in the new/ subdirectory of the Maildir and never has the
inbox tag added to it. When I use a different computer and download the
message, it is added just fine. 

The result is that I have to frequently move mail manually from
new/ to cur/. When I run notmuch new, it detects that a file was moved,
so I guess the mail received is properly added to the database; it just
never gets added to inbox and is therefore never read in the emacs
client. I'm sure there's a simple way around this and it's not a bug,
but I haven't figured it out. Can anyone give me a tip? I hope I've
explained clearly enough.

Thanks for your help,
