Xapian recovery after kernel oops

Subject: Xapian recovery after kernel oops

Date: Thu, 09 May 2013 15:58:28 -0600

To: notmuch


From: Jed Brown

My laptop had a kernel oops this morning, apparently triggered by
getting bumped (not very hard, actually).  Upon restarting, I have a
corrupt database:

  $ notmuch search tag:inbox                                                                                                                                 
  A Xapian exception occurred opening database: The revision being read has been discarded - you should call Xapian::Database::reopen() and retry the operation

This is with Linux 3.8.11 and btrfs, though nothing else on the file
systems appears to have been affected.

  $ xapian-check Mail/.notmuch/xapian/
  Database couldn't be opened for reading: DatabaseModifiedError: The revision being read has been discarded - you should call Xapian::Database::reopen() and retry the operation
  Continuing check anyway
  Cross-checking document lengths between the postlist and termlist tables would use more than 1GB of memory, so skipping that check
  xapian-check: DatabaseCorruptError: Db block overwritten - are there multiple writers?

>From the xapian list archives, recovery doesn't look likely.  According
to this mail, it sounds like the commit should have been atomic.


Is there likely to be any information in my database that would help
track down the reason why the commit was not atomic?  I don't rule out
the possibility that the corruption was entirely the kernel's fault, but
I don't want to leap to conclusions either.
