On Wed 2018-01-10 16:38:14 +0100, Antoine Amarilli wrote:
> My user has umask 077. When I do sudo make install, this umask seems to
> affect installation: the folders /usr/local/share/man/man* get created
> as belonging to root:staff with permissions 2700, so the installed
> manpages cannot be read by anyone except root. With the default umask of
> 002, however, the folders are correctly created with permissions 2755.
> It doesn't make sense to install manpages that only root can read, so
> wouldn't it be better if the Makefile somehow used a different umask
> when installing man pages?
how is the installation happening for you? In Makefile.local, i see:
install -m0644 $(filter %.1.gz,$(MAN_GZIP_FILES)) $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man1
install -m0644 $(filter %.5.gz,$(MAN_GZIP_FILES)) $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man5
install -m0644 $(filter %.7.gz,$(MAN_GZIP_FILES)) $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man7
which suggests that the -m would override the umask.
is your installation doing something different somehow?