Re: [notmuch] interesting project!

Subject: Re: [notmuch] interesting project!

Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 14:23:10 +0200

To: Carl Worth


From: Dirk-Jan C. Binnema

Hi Carl,

>>>>> "Carl" == Carl Worth <> writes:

    >> Anyhow, I'll study the notmuch code and see if there are some useful
    >> bits in my code that might make sense there, e.g., various dir scanning
    >> optimizations, see [2].

    Carl> That sounds great. It's also good to have people with experience in
    Carl> this area join and help out. I'll look forward to any ideas or other
    Carl> contributions you will have.

Thanks for the nice words!

A small question: it seems that notmuch is avoiding the use of GLib directly
(of course, it depend on it anyway through GMime); is this because of
OOM-handling? It'd be nice if GLib could be used, it would make some things
quite a bit easier.

Best wishes,

Dirk-Jan C. Binnema                  Helsinki, Finland 
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