Re: [RFC PATCH v2 0/8] Custom query parser, date search, folder search, and more

Subject: Re: [RFC PATCH v2 0/8] Custom query parser, date search, folder search, and more

Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:48:50 -0800

To: Austin Clements,


From: Carl Worth

Restricting my reply to one tiny bit of your mail:

You wrote:
> non-recursive is the only thing that makes sense for Maildir++ folders

Either I'm not understanding Maildir++ folders, or I don't agree with

I might have an email archive that looks like this:


With the above setup, what would be unreasonable about wanting to search
for all work-related messages (across all projects, say) with a string
like "folder:work" ?

Now, a person might definitely want to search for messages in the
".work" folder directly, (not including the sub-folders), so we should
provide support for users to get at that behavior as well, (such as a
proposed "folder:work$" or so).

To me, both cases are perfectly legitimate, and I don't understand an
argument that claims that only one makes sense. (Or again, I may be
misunderstanding something.)


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