Re: Spellcheck second language

Subject: Re: Spellcheck second language

Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 18:47:42 +0100

To: Philippe LeCavalier,


From: Thomas Jost

On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 11:45:10 -0500, Philippe LeCavalier <> wrote:
> Hi.
> I get this[1] when envoking keybindings to a second language
> flyspell. Any ideas? I've already tried alternate titles to reference
> the dictionary in question ie french, francais and français to no avail.
> Also, how would I apply a variation to the dictionary ie. fr_ca?
> ref.
> [1] ispell-change-dictionary: Undefined dictionary: français
> rel sys details:
> emacs 23.3-9.fc16
> hunspell 1.3.2-1.fc16
> hunspell-en 0.20110318-1.fc16
> hunspell-fr 4.1-1.fc16
> Please ask if you need more info.

Hi Philippe,

Do you have aspell? If you do, do you also have aspell-fr? I don't know
ispell.el very well, but apparently it will try to use aspell, then
ispell, then hunspell in that order. So if you have /usr/bin/aspell but
not the French aspell dictionary, that may explain your problem.

Now for fr_CA... I don't use it myself (only fr_FR) and apparently
there's no specific file for fr_CA (nor fr_BE btw) in aspell-fr. So I
guess you should try to stick with "francais".

If you *really* want to use fr_CA, you may have to switch to hunspell,
since hunspell-fr *has* a dictionary for fr_CA. The problem is then to
tell emacs about this dictionary. Here's something that almost works:

     (setq ispell-program-name "/usr/bin/hunspell"
           ispell-extra-args '("-i" "latin1"))
     (add-to-list 'ispell-local-dictionary-alist
                  (cons "fr_CA" (cdr (assoc "francais" ispell-dictionary-base-alist))))

(it copies settings from the fr_FR dictionary but names it fr_CA).
- you need to enter the encoding manually to avoid getting such errors:
     UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 0. [...]
  but of course this means that this won't work in UTF-8 buffers...
- using these settings, I get another error when changing the dictionary
  to american and running flyspell-buffer ("Can't check region"). I have
  to revert to aspell for it to work again.

So even if it's not a perfect solution, you should probably keep on
using "francais" with aspell.

Hope this helps.

Best regards

part-000.sig (application/pgp-signature)
