As usual, nothing brings out the bug reports like a freeze. There are some patches that should probably go in, but could use one more pair of eyes. id:"" We had a somewhat lively debate about desirablity of the following patch. My decision is that for now, we avoid changing the behaviour of notmuch, and do apply the patch. We can discuss later deprecating or changing this permissive behaviour. id:"" This patch from Austin seems innocent enough, and I plan to push it to release. id:"" I'm not sure about including id:"" it wouldn't really help debian (as the unstable buildds already have 2.6.6), but I guess it might help others building debian packages. Although id:"" is marked as trivial and is certainly short, I'd like one more pair of eyes before pushing to release. As I mentioned to Pieter in another mail, my current plan is _not_ to push the various testing patches to release, on the grounds that they mainly help developers. d