perfect match of subject search

Subject: perfect match of subject search

Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2016 02:42:28 +0200



From: David Belohrad

Dear all,

some advice would be appreciated. I use spamassassin to tag all spam by !!!!!SPAM!!!!! such, that during notmuch tagging process i could filter them away from my inbox. Problem is, that no matter what, I cannot search on subject exactly. Hence if I write down:

notmuch search subject:"!!!!!SPAM!!!!!"

i get not only those with exact match, but I do get many others, who do not have in subject SPAM at all, even for example an email from recent discussion, with subject:

"Macros for notmuch and bayesian spam learner (dspam)"

so it completely ignores the exclamation, starts ... and maybe other things as well...

how can i specify the subject search term to look for only exact match?


