Re: Emacs UI improvement suggestion

Subject: Re: Emacs UI improvement suggestion

Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 10:48:12 -0700

To: Sebastian Spaeth, Notmuch developer list


From: Carl Worth

On Fri, 05 Nov 2010 10:36:32 +0100, Sebastian Spaeth <> wrote:
> But thanks for the key hint, it's not listed on the '?' page...

Oops. I need to fix that.

> C-u often appears as black magic to this emacs user.

I've got some strange plans for our emacs interface. The idea is to
support things that emacs users would expect (like C-u), but to also do
things in a way that would be perhaps more natural, (for users who don't
use emacs except for notmuch).

For example, in this specific case I plan to make the '*' keybinding act
as a prefix modifier to make the following command operate on all
messages. So, for example, you would have:

	|	Pipe the current message to an external command
	* |	Pipe all open messages to an external command
	RET	Hide/show the current message
	* RET	Hide/show all messages

I think this will fit in well with existing uses of '*' in the
interface, and also bring in some missing functionality in some cases.


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