Re: Dangerous space bar key (was: Preventing the user shooting themself in the foot)

Subject: Re: Dangerous space bar key (was: Preventing the user shooting themself in the foot)

Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 14:17:17 -0700

To: Austin Clements

Cc: Notmuch Mail

From: Jameson Graef Rollins

On Thu, 7 Jul 2011 16:58:08 -0400, Austin Clements <amdragon@MIT.EDU> wrote:
> What I'm suggesting is no more or less automatic than the current
> behavior.  It's just a slight tweak to the order in which things
> happen: that SPC could remove the unread tag and then move to the next
> message, rather than the other way around.  In effect, the read tag
> would indicate that you've seen the bottom of the message, not just
> the top.

But as it stands now, the unread tag automatically goes away as soon as
view the message when selected from notmuch-search.  Under the new
proposal I would have to hit SPC to remove the unread tag, even if the
whole message was already visible.  It would still require more work.

> It's also possible I would have less trouble if SPC didn't
> automatically go to the next thread.  The problem I have with the
> current behavior is that I often find myself accidentally marking
> messages as read because notmuch showed me a message I wasn't
> expecting.  This is compounded by the lack of visual feedback when
> this happens (e.g., the search results don't update to indicate that
> anything has changed, and even if they did, I probably wouldn't notice
> that the message *had* been unread).

I really think the problem is the current behavior of SPC.  As I and a
couple of others have already mentioned, it just not a good, intuitive
default behavior.  I suggested what I think is a much better behavior in
a previous message [0].


[0] id:""
part-000.sig (application/pgp-signature)
