Hello, as many of you have probably noticed, the time after which patches are reviewed and/or applied is considerably higher lately than it was, for example, earlier this year. My subjective impression is that there is also a recent increase in contributions and general activity for/about notmuch. Since long waiting times between sending a patch and receiving a response will probably deter some (potential) contributors from working / continuing to work on notmuch, I find this to be an important issue. There is also a number of patches that have been reviewed by long-term contributors, but are then seemingly forgotten (I can find some concrete examples of this, if this claim is in doubt). For me notmuch is a huge improvement compared to existing clients (with the somewhat obvious exception of sup which comes close), so I'd really hate to see this project stagnate or "wither" because of this. I am aware that this is a volunteer project and hence the intent of this post is not to urge Carl Worth or anyone else to "hurry up!" with the patch review. Instead I'd like to discuss approaches on how to deal with this problem. Here a few ideas I was able to come up with: - Further delegate responsibility for the various parts, specifically the emacs UI, which has a large number of outstanding patches. I'd be in favor (if Carl is okay with it, of course) of giving one or more people (Jameson and Austin came up as possible candidates when discussing this on IRC, if they are willing) the authority to apply patches for the emacs UI, similar to how patches for bindings are handled. - (Re)try some patch/issue management software: Since patches are easily forgotten if they just float around in several months old mails, it might be prudent to use something to keep track of patches or issues these patches address. I know that the patchwork instance didn't work out so well, partly because it didn't recognize new versions of sent patches. An alternative might be an issue-based system, which would be comfortably usable if it supported discussing issues via mail instead of having to use some web interface. I think this is supported by redmine. A mechanism to share notmuch tags between users could probably also be adapted for this purpose, but this would make it harder for non-notmuch users to discuss issues / see existing with the same comfort. (Package maintainers or people who want to check what outstanding flaws exist before migrating to notmuch come to mind). - Some kind of "voting system" that gets a patch applied if some number of "trusted" contributors reviewed a patch and think it is good. I haven't given this idea much thought and I guess it might lead to a "lack of direction / guiding principles" in the development of notmuch. I'm probably overlooking some downsides of those ideas, so I'd like to hear any responses and/or other approaches to deal with this (Of course, I'm also open to arguments showing that I'm making too big a deal out of this :)). Cheers, Daniel