notmuch release 0.10 now available

Subject: notmuch release 0.10 now available

Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 15:46:10 -0400

To: Notmuch Mail


From: David Bremner

Where to obtain notmuch 0.10

Which can be verified with:
  6dc3d84da53cb16818d06e1825022f3b23e473d5  notmuch-0.10.tar.gz
  (signed by David Bremner)

What's new in notmuch 0.10

New build and testing features

Emacs tests are now done in dtach. This means that dtach  is now
needed to run the notmuch test suite, at least until the checking for
prerequisites is improved.

Full test coverage of the stashing feature in Emacs.

New command-line features

Add "notmuch restore --accumulate" option

  The --accumulate switch causes the union of the existing and new tags to be
  applied, instead of replacing each message's tags as they are read in from
  the dump file.

Add search terms to  "notmuch dump"

  The dump command now takes an optional search term much like notmuch
  search/show/tag. The output file argument of dump is deprecated in
  favour of using stdout.

Add "notmuch search" --offset and --limit options

  The search command now takes options --offset=[-]N and --limit=N to limit
  the number of results shown.

Add "notmuch count --output" option

  The count command is now capable of counting threads in addition to
  messages. This is selected using the new --output=(threads|messages) option.

New emacs UI features

Add tab-completion for notmuch-search and notmuch-search-filter

  These functions now support completion tags for query parts
  starting with "tag:".

Turn "id:MSG-ID" links into buttons associated with notmuch searches

  Text of the form "id:MSG-ID" in mails is now a clickable button that
  opens a notmuch search for the given message id.

Add keybinding ('c I') for stashing Message-ID's without an id: prefix

  Reduces manual labour when stashing them for use outside notmuch.

Do not query on notmuch-search exit

   It is harmless to kill the external notmuch process, so the user
   is no longer interrogated when they interrupt a search.


Emacs now constructs large search buffers more efficiently

Search avoids opening and parsing message files

  We now store more information in the database so search no longer
  has to open every message file to get basic headers.  This can
  improve search speed by as much as 10X, but taking advantage of this
  requires a database rebuild:

	notmuch dump > notmuch.dump
	# Backup, then remove notmuch database ($MAIL/.notmuch)
	notmuch new
	notmuch restore notmuch.dump

New collection of add-on tools

The source directory "contrib" contains tools built on notmuch.  These
tools are not part of notmuch, and you should check their individual
licenses.  Feel free to report problems with them to the notmuch
mailing list.

nmbug - share tags with a given prefix

   nmbug helps maintain a git repo containing all tags with a given
   prefix (by default "notmuch::"). Tags can be shared by commiting
   them to git in one location and restoring in another.

What is notmuch
Notmuch is a system for indexing, searching, reading, and tagging
large collections of email messages in maildir or mh format. It uses
the Xapian library to provide fast, full-text search with a convenient
search syntax.

For more about notmuch, see

part-000.sig (application/pgp-signature)
