the present and future of patch tracking for notmuch.

Subject: the present and future of patch tracking for notmuch.

Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 10:53:40 -0400

To: Notmuch Mail


From: David Bremner

As some of you probably know, I have been using "nmbug" [1], now in git
master, to help track the state of notmuch patches.  At this point I
think I am about ready to declare the experimental deployment of nmbug a
success and make it more official.

## present?

- Currently this is running off a git repo on my server. I don't really
  mind doing this, but it would probably reduce confusion to have the 
  "the" repo on

- Currently I am controlling push access to the nmbug repo by ssh-key.
  This is not really a burden, but I wonder if it would be better to
  allow anonymous pushes, perhaps to some staging repo that trusted
  people (i.e. those with ssh keys) could pull from.

## future?

- It would be nice if people without notmuch installed had access to the
  information.  Some way to make html dumps of threads with tags would
  do the trick, I believe. So far I am resisting the temptation to write
  such a thing.

- I'm not sure about the future of the notmuch patchwork instance. It
  doesn't hurt anything, but it does consume resources, and maybe
  generate confusion.

- So far, I'm continuing to post messages about pushed patches to the
  list. If at some point the consensus is that this is more annoying
  than useful, I'm perfectly willing to stop.


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