Re: finding incoming messages in threads in which i've participated [was: Re: find threads where I and Jian participated but not Dave]

Subject: Re: finding incoming messages in threads in which i've participated [was: Re: find threads where I and Jian participated but not Dave]

Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 20:09:46 -0300

To: Matt Armstrong, Daniel Kahn Gillmor, Gaute Hope,, Xu Wang


From: David Bremner

Matt Armstrong <> writes:

> David Bremner <> writes:
> It has some subtle implications.  E.g. when I tag through a particular
> UI do I mean to tag a particular message or the thread?  Is it worth
> making the user think about the difference?  Is there some way to
> express this such that they never do?  Are some tags configured to
> always apply to the thread?  Are these the only tags that do?  Or do
> "thread tags" always contain the union of all associated message tags?

My initial thinking is that thread documents would just have the union
of the terms (tags and otherwise) of all messages in the thread. So
they'd be visible only when querying, and not need to be dumped and

Before I get too worried about the UI (i.e. how does one specify that a
query is meant to be applied threadwise), I want to have some idea about
the time and space costs of maintaining those extra documents in the

