Please discard---Corrupted database (notmuch 0.31, Emacs 27.1.50, afew 3.0.1, OfflineIMAP, Python)

Subject: Please discard---Corrupted database (notmuch 0.31, Emacs 27.1.50, afew 3.0.1, OfflineIMAP, Python)

Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2020 10:45:32 -0300



From: Jorge P. de Morais Neto

Moderator, please discard the email cited below and mentioned in the
In-Reply-To header: Message-ID  Today I
submitted another copy (with the large attachment replaced by an URL to
a file upload service) and it already wen through.


Em [2020-11-17 ter 16:19:10-0300], Jorge P. de Morais Neto escreveu:

> Hi.  I use Notmuch 0.31.2 on Emacs 27.1.50 (manually compiled on
> 2020-11-02) with matching version-pinned MELPA Stable Notmuch package on
> updated Debian buster.  I have enabled buster-proposed-updates,
> buster-updates and buster-backports.  I manually backport notmuch
> according to <>.  I use
> OfflineIMAP 7.3.3 (Python 2 pip), afew 3.0.1 (pip3), Bogofilter 1.2.4
> (buster) and a custom Python 3 script based on the ~notmuch~ module.
> Yesterday (when still on Notmuch 0.31) I noticed that, when I tagged a
> message or thread, the fido-mode completion offered many weird candidate
> tags that shouldn't exist in the database.  Also, on the Notmuch Hello
> screen the ~All tags~ section would error out.  I then dumped the
> database (~notmuch dump~) and noticed many lines associating weird tags
> to weird message ids.
> In almost every case, both the weird tags and the weird Message-Id
> contained uncommon characters, often ASCII control characters.  One of
> the weird lines was " -- id:8"---specifying a message with Messaged-ID
> "8" and no tags.  I tried ~notmuch show id:8~ and got an internal
> error---something like "message with document ID <SOME_NUMBER> has no
> thread ID".
> I then upgraded Notmuch to 0.31.2 and compacted the database but the
> error persisted.  I then manually cleaned up the database dump, deleted
> the ~/offlineimap/Jorge-Disroot/.notmuch/xapian/ directory, invoked
> ~notmuch new~, and ~notmuch restore~.  I checked my backups from
> 2020-11-09 (no corruption) and 2011-11-16.  That latest backup was from
> before I /noticed/ the corruption, but it was affected too.  I then
> diffed backup 2020-11-09 with backup 2020-11-16; and then backup
> 2020-11-16 with the current dump.  The diffs suggest that the error
> involved only the addition of invalid information; I suspect and hope
> that valid information was not lost.
> I attached my post-new Bash script and the Python 3 script it invokes.
> So you can see the weird lines I mentioned, I also attached the
> xz-compressed output of the command:
>     diff -u notmuch_dump--manually_fixed notmuch_dump--corrupted > diff_notmuch_dump__manually_fixed--corrupted
> I have also saved the binary corrupted database.  If you want to see it,
> then tell me and I may upload it to Disroot's Lufi instance.  It should
> probably be shown to as few people as possible for the sake of my
> privacy.
> Finally, my notmuch config includes the following directives (the other
> directives are probably irrelevant to you):
>     [new]
>     tags=new
>     ignore=
>     [search]
>     exclude_tags=deleted;spam;trash
>     [maildir]
>     synchronize_flags=true
> Regards
> #!/usr/bin/env python3
> """Mail filter (including anti-spam) and notifier for Notmuch.
> Track messages classified as spam (or ham) by Bogofilter via '.bf_spam'
> (resp. '.bf_ham' ) tags.  Since afew removes the `new' tag, when
> notifying mail we track new messages with a temporary tag (option
> '--tmp' of `filter' subcommand) which we assume not to preexist in the
> database.  These tags and that added by the user to spam messages can be
> customized via command-line options or, from Python, by modifying
> module-level constants or by via function arguments.
> This script is potentially affected by environment variables, files and
> directories that affect afew, Bogofilter, Notmuch or (obviously)
> Python3, including:
> 1. `NOTMUCH_CONFIG' – location of Notmuch configuration file – and that
>    file itself.
> 2. `BOGOFILTER_DIR' – location of Bogofilter's database directory – and
>    that directory itself.
> 3. afew configuration.
> WISH: Accept customizable "new" flags (currently we assume "new").
> """
> # WISH: Finish documenting the exceptions possibly raised by each function
> import logging
> import sys
> import time
> from argparse import ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ArgumentParser, Namespace
> from functools import partial
> from logging import handlers
> from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT, Popen, run
> from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
> from notmuch import Database, Message
> #
> import gi                       # isort:skip
> gi.require_version('Notify', '0.7')
> # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
> from gi.repository import Notify  # noqa: E402 isort:skip
> Tags = Union[str, Iterable[str]]
> LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
> FILTER_ACTIONS = {'spam', 'general', 'notify'}
> # Defaults for command-line options
> BF_HAM = '.bf_ham'
> BF_SPAM = '.bf_spam'
> USER_SPAM = 'spam'
> TMP = '_simplemuch_tmp'
> class SimplemuchError(Exception):
>     """Base class for simplemuch exception classes"""
> class NotmuchDatabaseNeedsUpgradeError(SimplemuchError):
>     """needs_upgrade() returned True."""
> # WISH Capture more information, e.g. return code and command line
> class BogofilterError(SimplemuchError):
>     """Error from Bogofilter"""
> # def teste_mypy(i: int) -> None:
> #     return i + ''
> def alert(summary: str,
>           body: str,
>           *args: Any,
>           fun: Callable[..., None] = LOG.warning) -> None:
>     """Show desktop notification -- `summary', `body' -- and log.
>     Logs with fun(body, *args).
>     """
>     if fun in (LOG.exception, LOG.error):
>         kwargs = {'icon': 'dialog-error'}
>     elif fun in (LOG.warn, LOG.warning):
>         kwargs = {'icon': 'dialog-warning'}
>     else:
>         kwargs = {}
>, body % args, **kwargs).show()
>     fun(body, *args)
> def safe_open_db_rw() -> Database:
>     """Open Notmuch database for reading and writing and return it.
>     Before returning, check if the database needs upgrade; if so, raise
>     NotmuchDatabaseNeedsUpgradeError.
>     """
>     nm_db = Database(mode=Database.MODE.READ_WRITE)
>     if nm_db.needs_upgrade():
>         raise NotmuchDatabaseNeedsUpgradeError(
>             'Notmuch database needs upgrade.  Exiting without action.\n'
>             'WISH Implement correct database upgrading')
>     return nm_db
> def update(nm_db: Database, args: Namespace, query: str,
>            opr: str) -> Tuple[int, float]:
>     """Call bogofilter on messages matching `query', change their tags.
>     Call `bogofilter' with command-line option `opr' (plus -bl) and feed
>     it (via stdin) the filenames of messages matching Notmuch query
>     `query'.  For each such message, apply the corresponding tag change
>     (according to `args.bf_spam' and `args.bf_ham').  `opr' must be in
>     set('SsNn') (see bogofilter(1) for the meaning).  Return the number
>     of messages operated on and the elapsed time.
>     This function is potentially affected by environment variables,
>     files and directories that affect Bogofilter or Notmuch.
>     TODO Handle bogofilter errors
>     """
>     start = time.time()
>     assert opr in set('SsNn')
>     tag_ = args.bf_spam if opr in 'sS' else args.bf_ham
>     if opr in 'sn':
>         def tag(msg: Message) -> None:
>             msg.add_tag(tag_)
>     else:
>         def tag(msg: Message) -> None:
>             msg.remove_tag(tag_)
>     num = 0
>     with Popen(('bogofilter', '-bl' + opr), stdin=PIPE, text=True,
>                bufsize=1) as bogo:
>         assert bogo.stdin       # Placate mypy
>         for msg in nm_db.create_query(query).search_messages():
>             bogo.stdin.write(msg.get_filename() + '\n')
>             tag(msg)
>             num += 1
>     if bogo.returncode:
>         raise BogofilterError(f'Bogofilter returned {bogo.returncode}')
>     return num, time.time() - start
> def train(args: Namespace) -> None:
>     """Train Bogofilter on the Notmuch database.
>     According to how the user classified the given message (spam or
>     ham), update Simplemuch tags (`args.bf_spam' and `args.bf_ham') and
>     Bogofilter's database.  We assume the user classified a message as
>     spam if it is tagged `args.user_spam'; and he classified it as ham
>     if it has been read but not tagged `args.user_spam'.
>     Therefore we assume that:
>     1.  Messages tagged `args.user_spam' are in fact spam.
>     2.  Spammy read messages are tagged `args.user_spam'.
>     3.  Messages tagged `args.bf_spam' are also tagged `args.user_spam',
>         unless they are false positives.
>     A problematic scenario is when the user reads spam in webmail but
>     forgets to tag it as spam in Notmuch.
>     This function is potentially affected by environment variables,
>     files and directories that affect Bogofilter or Notmuch.
>     """
>     with safe_open_db_rw() as nm_db:
>         def train_(query: str, opr: str, obj: str) -> None:
>             assert opr in set('SsNn')
>             opr_ = 'Register' if opr in 'sn' else 'Unregister'
>             end = f'{opr_}ed %d {obj} in %.3gs'
>   '%s %s', opr_, obj)
>             num, dur = update(nm_db, args, query, opr)
>   , num, dur)
>         bf_spam, bf_ham, user_spam = args.bf_spam, args.bf_ham, args.user_spam
>         train_(f'is:{user_spam} NOT is:{bf_spam}', 's', 'spam')
>         train_(f'is:{bf_spam} NOT is:{user_spam}', 'S', '(false) spam')
>         train_(f'NOT (is:{user_spam} is:unread is:{bf_ham})', 'n', 'ham')
>         train_(f'is:{user_spam} AND is:{bf_ham}', 'N', '(false) ham')
> def count(nm_db: Database, query: str, exclude: Tags = ()) -> int:
>     """Return Xapian’s best guess as to how many messages match `query'.
>     `exclude', if provided, must contain tags to exclude from the count
>     by default.  A given tag will not be excluded if it appears
>     explicitly in `query'.
>     May raise:
>     - `NullPointerError' if the query creation failed (e.g. too little
>       memory).
>     - `NotInitializedError' if the underlying db was not initialized.
>     This function is potentially affected by environment variables,
>     files and directories that affect Notmuch.
>     WISH Find out and document what "best guess" means; this wording is
>     from the documentation of notmuch Python bindings.
>     """
>     query_ = nm_db.create_query(query)
>     if isinstance(exclude, str):
>         query_.exclude_tag(exclude)
>     else:
>         for tag in exclude:
>             query_.exclude_tag(tag)
>     return query_.count_messages()
> def filter_spam(nm_db: Database, query: str, ham: Optional[str] = None,
>                 spam: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
>     """Filter (Bogofilter) the messages matching Notmuch query `query'.
>     If Bogofilter classifies a given message as Spam/Ham then tag it
>     `spam'/`ham' (defaulting to `BF_SPAM'/`BF_HAM').
>     This function is potentially affected by environment variables,
>     files and directories that affect Bogofilter or Notmuch.
>     """
>     tag = dict(H=ham or BF_HAM, S=spam or BF_SPAM)
>     with Popen(('bogofilter', '-blT'), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, text=True,
>                bufsize=1) as bogo:
>         assert bogo.stdin and bogo.stdout  # Placate mypy
>         for msg in nm_db.create_query(query).search_messages():
>             bogo.stdin.write(msg.get_filename() + '\n')
>             code = bogo.stdout.readline().split()[-2]
>             if code != 'U':
>                 msg.add_tag(tag[code])
>                 msg_id = msg.get_message_id()
>                 LOG.debug('Message %s marked %s', msg_id, tag[code])
> def tag_search(nm_db: Database, query: str, add: Tags = (),
>                remove: Tags = ()) -> None:
>     """Add/remove tags from messages matching Notmuch `query'.
>     `nm_db' must be open for reading and writing.  `query' should be a
>     Notmuch query on whose results we should act.  Operate atomically on
>     the set of messages matching `query'.
>     May raise:
>     - `XapianError' – see documentation of `begin_atomic()' and
>       `end_atomic()' methods of `Database'
>     - `NullPointerError' if notmuch query creation failed (e.g. too
>       little memory) or `search_messages()' failed
>     - `NotInitializedError' if the underlying db was not initialized
>     - `NullPointerError' if a given tag is NULL
>     - `TagTooLongError' if the length of a given tag exceeds
>       notmuch.Message.NOTMUCH_TAG_MAX)
>     - `ReadOnlyDatabaseError' if the database was opened in read-only
>       mode
>     - `NotInitializedError' if message has not been initialized
>     This function is potentially affected by environment variables,
>     files and directories that affect Notmuch.
>     """
>     nm_db.begin_atomic()
>     for msg in nm_db.create_query(query).search_messages():
>         if isinstance(add, str):
>             msg.add_tag(add)
>         else:
>             for tag in add:
>                 msg.add_tag(tag)
>         if isinstance(remove, str):
>             msg.remove_tag(remove)
>         else:
>             for tag in remove:
>                 msg.remove_tag(tag)
>     nm_db.end_atomic()
> def filter_notify(args: Namespace) -> None:
>     """Filter mail (afew, Bogofilter and Notmuch) and notify.
>     - `args.req' must be a container with elements of FILTER_ACTIONS we
>       should act on (requested actions).
>     - If \"args.req['spam']\" is True then `args.query' must be a string
>       representing a Notmuch query (on whose results the spam filter
>       will work) and `args.bf_ham', `args.bf_spam' must be the tags to
>       add to messages that Bogofilter classifies as ham (resp. spam).
>     - If `args.req' includes 'notify', we internally use a temporary tag
>       – args.tmp – that we assume not to preexist in the Notmuch database.
>     This function is potentially affected by environment variables,
>     files and directories that affect afew, Bogofilter or Notmuch.
>     TODO Document the required Notmuch saved queries.
>     TODO Document the DKIM filtering.
>     """
>     if args.req['general'] or args.req['notify'] or args.req['spam']:
>         with safe_open_db_rw() as nm_db:
>             if args.req['spam']:
>                 filter_spam(nm_db, args.query, args.bf_ham, args.bf_spam)
>             if args.req['general'] or args.req['notify']:
>                 # Afew will remove 'new'
>                 tag_search(nm_db, 'is:new', args.tmp)
>                 tmp_count = count(nm_db, f'is:{args.tmp}')
>     pipe = partial(run, stdout=PIPE, text=True)
>     try:
>         if args.req['general'] or args.req['notify']:
>             exclude = pipe(
>                 ('notmuch', 'config', 'get', 'search.exclude_tags'),
>                 check=True).stdout.rstrip('\n').split('\n')
>         if args.req['general']:
>             afew = pipe(('afew', '-tnv'), check=True, stderr=STDOUT)
>   '\n%s', afew.stdout)
>             exclude_dkim = '(%s)' % ' OR '.join(
>                 (f'is:{tag}' for tag in exclude + ['/dkim-.*/']))
>             # problem = ('1584638185559.1b10c882-e1e1-4993-8f01-bdbcb3b4afe2@'
>             #            '')
>             dkim_query = f'(is:{args.tmp} -{exclude_dkim})'
>             afew = pipe(('afew', '-tv', '-eDKIMValidityFilter', dkim_query),
>                         stderr=STDOUT)
>             if afew.returncode:
>                 alert('DKIM filter error',
>                       'afew DKIMValidityFilter returned %d:\n%s',
>                       afew.returncode, afew.stdout)
>             else:
>       '\n%s', afew.stdout)
>         if args.req['general'] or args.req['notify']:
>             with safe_open_db_rw() as nm_db:
>                 if args.req['notify']:
>                     p_count = partial(count, nm_db, exclude=exclude)
>                     tmp_notify = f'is:{args.tmp} query:simplemuch_notify'
>                     notify = p_count(tmp_notify)
>                     if notify:
>                         unread = p_count("query:simplemuch_unread")
>                         inbox_unread = p_count("query:simplemuch_INBOX_unread")
>                         flagged = p_count("query:simplemuch_flagged")
>                         body = (f'\
> Inbox: {unread} unread ({inbox_unread} INBOX), {flagged} flagged\n' +
>                                 '\n'.join(msg.get_header('Subject') for msg in
>                                   nm_db.create_query(
>                                       tmp_notify).search_messages()))
>                         summary = f'{notify} new messages.'
>                             summary, body, 'mail-message-new').show()
>                 tag_search(nm_db, 'is:' + args.tmp, remove=args.tmp)
>                 tmp_count = 0
>     finally:
>         if (args.req['notify'] or args.req['general']) and tmp_count:
>             body_fmt = '%d messages left tagged %s'
>             alert('Dirty messages', body_fmt, tmp_count, args.tmp)
> # Commented out since I don't know a simple way to obtain the location of the
> # Bogofilter directory.  It may not be `(~/.bogofilter)': see Bogofilter
> # man page section `ENVIRONMENT'.  Maybe the `-x' flag can help.
> # def clean(db, args):
> #     """Remove Bogofilter tags from all messages and remove `(~/.bogofilter)'"""
> #     if not shutil.rmtree.avoids_symlink_attacks:
> #         print("Warning: this `shutil.rmtree' is susceptible to symlink attacks.")
> #     while True:
> #         reply = input(prompt=
> # f"""Remove Bogofilter database directory and, from all Notmuch email messages,
> # {args.bf_spam} and {args.bf_ham} tags? [y/N] """).lower()
> #         if 'no'.startswith(reply):
> #             return False
> #         if 'yes'.startswith(reply):
> #             shutil.rmtree(os.path.expanduser('~/.bogofilter'))
> #             tag_search(db, f'is:{args.bf_spam}', remove='f{args.bf_spam}')
> #             tag_search(db, f'is:{args.bf_ham}', remove=f'{args.bf_ham}')
> #             return True
> #         print(
> #             'Please provide a valid answer: "yes", "no" or a prefix, '
> #             'case-insensitive', file=sys.stderr)
> def parse_command_line() -> Namespace:
>     """Parse sys.argv into a Namespace object"""
>     parser = ArgumentParser(
>         description=__doc__,
>         formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
>     parser.add_argument(
>         '--version', action='version', version='Simplemuch alpha')
>     parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
>                         help='Output log messages also to stderr')
>     parser.add_argument(
>         '--bf_spam', default=BF_SPAM, metavar='TAG',
>         help='Tag for bogofilter-flagged spam')
>     parser.add_argument(
>         '--bf_ham', default=BF_HAM, metavar='TAG',
>         help='Tag for bogofilter-flagged ham')
>     parser.add_argument(
>         '--user_spam', default=USER_SPAM, metavar='TAG',
>         help='Tag for user-flagged spam')
>     parser.add_argument(
>         '--loglevel', default='INFO', help="""\
> Severity threshold for logging; logging messages less severe are discarded.
> For the allowed values see
>     subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
>         title='Subcommands', required=True, description='Specify exactly one')
>     parser_filter = subparsers.add_parser(
>         'filter', help="""Filter mail.  By default (see `--skip'), filter out
>         spam, then do general mail filtering (with afew) and then, depending on
>         the new messages, notify.""")
>     parser_filter.add_argument(
>         '--skip', choices=FILTER_ACTIONS, nargs='+', help='Actions to skip',
>         default=())
>     # WISH: append a random suffix
>     parser_filter.add_argument(
>         '--tmp', metavar='TEMPORARY_TAG', default=TMP,
>         help='Temporary tag for internal use; assumed by this script'
>         ' not to preexist in the database')
>     parser_filter.add_argument(
>         'query', nargs='?', default='is:new',
>         help='The Notmuch query whose result will be spam-filtered')
>     parser_filter.set_defaults(func=filter_notify)
>     parser_train = subparsers.add_parser(
>         'train', help="""Train bogofilter.  We assume the user
>         classified a message as spam if it is tagged `args.user_spam';
>         and he classified a message as ham if it has been read but
>         not tagged `args.user_spam'.  Therefore we assume that:
>         1. Messages tagged `args.user_spam' are in fact spam.
>         2. Spammy read messages are tagged `args.user_spam'.
>         3. Messages tagged `args.bf_spam' are also tagged `args.user_spam',
>            unless they are false positives.
>         A problematic scenario is when the user reads spam in webmail
>         but forgets to tag it spam in Notmuch.""")
>     parser_train.set_defaults(func=train)
>     # parser_clean = subparsers.add_parser(
>     #     'clean',
>     #     help="Remove Bogofilter tags from all messages and remove "
>     #     "`(~/.bogofilter)'")
>     # parser_clean.set_defaults(func=clean)
>     args = parser.parse_args()
>     args.req = {a: args.func is filter_notify and a not in args.skip
>                 for a in FILTER_ACTIONS}  # Requested actions
>     return args
> def main() -> None:
>     """Run as script: set up logging, parse sys.argv, execute."""
>     # WISH Maybe change the type of socket.  See SysLogHandler documentation
>     handler1 = handlers.SysLogHandler(
>         address='/dev/log', facility=handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_MAIL)
>     formatter = logging.Formatter(
>         '%(module)s[%(process)d].%(funcName)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
>     handler1.setFormatter(formatter)
>     LOG.addHandler(handler1)
>     try:
>         args = parse_command_line()
>         #
>     except:                     # noqa: E722
>         LOG.exception(
>             'Exception occurred while parsing command line ("%s")', sys.argv)
>         raise
>     try:
>         if args.verbose:
>             handler2 = logging.StreamHandler()
>             handler2.setFormatter(formatter)
>             LOG.addHandler(handler2)
>         level_num = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None)
>         if not isinstance(level_num, int):
>             raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % args.loglevel)
>         LOG.setLevel(level_num)
>         if args.req['notify']:
>             # WISH Compute name from sys.argv[0], like argparse?
>             Notify.init('Simplemuch')
>         args.func(args)
>     except:                     # noqa: E722
>         alert('Exception occurred', 'Command line: "%s"; parsed: %s', sys.argv,
>               args, fun=LOG.exception)
>         raise
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     main()
> # Local Variables:
> # ispell-local-dictionary: "en_US"
> # End:
> -- 
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