Re: Would a more sophisticated notmuch-fcc-dirs be acceptable?

Subject: Re: Would a more sophisticated notmuch-fcc-dirs be acceptable?

Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 17:05:49 +0200

To: Rob Browning,


From: Sebastian Spaeth

On 2010-09-27, Rob Browning wrote:
> I'd like to be able to archive to a destination based on the year, i.e.:
>   (concat "sent-" (format-time-string "%Y"))

At it seems that this can potentially very confusing for
configuring. Wouldn't it be nicest if that config variable were able to
take a function that returns one or multiple FCC paths? This way people
could become really creative in their .emacs.

Personally, I would love if we could keep the default configuration (1
FCC dir that never changes) as simple as a string value. I have no
problems with the second patch that you sent (ability to use absolute
paths). That having said, if you have nice patches that cworth is
willing to accept, any solution is good to me.

