Hello, Thank you so much for notmuch and its integration with Emacs! I discovered a small glitch when completing email addresses. I'm using the raw completion of Emacs (not company or an other package). The variable 'notmuch-address-command' is the default one (i.e. internal). My completion style is partial-completion. Now, here is the case where it doesn't work for me. If I enter "AAA", and I hit completion, I'm getting several choices: xxxAAAyyy, hhAAAhh, etc. (that's what I want). So, notmuch offers me to pick the one I want using completing-read. But, here is the problem: there is no possible match! Indeed, because I'm using partial-completion, the input "AAA" actually doesn't match any of the possible completion (as they all have a prefix, see the documentation of 'completion-styles-alist'). My workaround is to configure 'notmuch-address-selection-function', prepending a "*" to the initial-input. #+begin_src elisp (defun my-notmuch-address-selection (prompt collection initial-input) (notmuch-address-selection-function prompt collection (concat "*" initial-input))) (setq notmuch-address-selection-function #'my-notmuch-address-selection) #+end_src I'm fine with this solution. Maybe that would great if notmuch could detect and warn that something is wrong when the initial input doesn't match any of the addresses that notmuch selected. Best regards, Bruno _______________________________________________ notmuch mailing list -- notmuch@notmuchmail.org To unsubscribe send an email to notmuch-leave@notmuchmail.org