Unexpected search results

Subject: Unexpected search results

Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:10:14 +0100

To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org


From: Paul Melis


How exactly does the search function work when it comes to things like 
searching in the from or subject field? See the below queries and (lack 
of) results:

paulmlocal@sara11006:/data$ notmuch search from:dem
paulmlocal@sara11006:/data$ notmuch search from:demi
paulmlocal@sara11006:/data$ notmuch search from:demiu
paulmlocal@sara11006:/data$ notmuch search from:demiur
paulmlocal@sara11006:/data$ notmuch search from:demiurg
thread:0000000000012d53   January 18 [1/5] Demiurg HG| Paul Melis, XXXXX
thread:0000000000011b82  November 14 [3/6] Demiurg HG| Paul Melis; XXXXX

Only the last queries returns the mails I was looking for, while 
prefixes of the query don't return anything. Even stranger is that the 
actual from e-mail address is demiurghg@...., so why does "from:demiurg" 
match (which is also a prefix of the mail address), but all the other 
don't match?

Thanks for a great tool, btw!


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Paul Melis
| Groepsleider & Adviseur Visualisatie | SURFsara |
| Science Park 140 | 1098 XG Amsterdam |
| T 020 592 30 59 | paul.melis@surfsara.nl | www.surfsara.nl |
