[PATCH 09/25] lib/parse-sexp: handle most fields

Subject: [PATCH 09/25] lib/parse-sexp: handle most fields

Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2021 23:40:05 -0300

To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org

Cc: David Bremner

From: David Bremner

date and query will need to be handled separately because they do not
fit the pattern of combining a bunch of terms with an operator.
 lib/parse-sexp.cc         |  13 ++++
 test/T081-sexpr-search.sh | 143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/parse-sexp.cc b/lib/parse-sexp.cc
index fc6eb2d7..5865dc88 100644
--- a/lib/parse-sexp.cc
+++ b/lib/parse-sexp.cc
@@ -23,7 +23,20 @@ typedef struct  {
 static _sexp_field_t fields[] =
+    { "attachment",     Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE },
+    { "body",           Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE },
+    { "from",           Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE },
+    { "folder",         Xapian::Query::OP_OR },
+    { "id",             Xapian::Query::OP_OR },
+    { "is",             Xapian::Query::OP_AND },
+    { "mid",            Xapian::Query::OP_OR },
+    { "mimetype",       Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE },
+    { "path",           Xapian::Query::OP_OR },
+    { "property",       Xapian::Query::OP_AND },
     { "subject",        Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE },
+    { "tag",            Xapian::Query::OP_AND },
+    { "thread",         Xapian::Query::OP_OR },
+    { "to",             Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE },
     { }
diff --git a/test/T081-sexpr-search.sh b/test/T081-sexpr-search.sh
index 8e042f88..95837448 100755
--- a/test/T081-sexpr-search.sh
+++ b/test/T081-sexpr-search.sh
@@ -19,17 +19,110 @@ for query in '(or)' '(not ())' '(not (not))' '(not (and))' \
     test_expect_equal_file /dev/null OUTPUT
-test_begin_subtest "Search by subject"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'attachment'"
+notmuch search attachment:notmuch-help.patch > EXPECTED
+notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(attachment notmuch-help.patch)' > OUTPUT
+test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'body'"
+add_message '[subject]="body search"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"' [body]=bodysearchtest
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(body bodysearchtest)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; body search (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'body' (phrase)"
+add_message '[subject]="body search (phrase)"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"' '[body]="body search (phrase)"'
+add_message '[subject]="negative result"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"' '[body]="This phrase should not match the body search"'
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(body body search phrase)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; body search (phrase) (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'body' (utf-8):"
+add_message '[subject]="utf8-message-body-subject"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"' '[body]="message body utf8: bödý"'
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(body bödý)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; utf8-message-body-subject (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'from'"
+add_message '[subject]="search by from"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"' [from]=searchbyfrom
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(from searchbyfrom)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] searchbyfrom; search by from (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'from' (address)"
+add_message '[subject]="search by from (address)"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"' [from]=searchbyfrom@example.com
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(from searchbyfrom@example.com)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] searchbyfrom@example.com; search by from (address) (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'from' (name)"
+add_message '[subject]="search by from (name)"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"' '[from]="Search By From Name <test@example.com>"'
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(from "Search By From Name")' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Search By From Name; search by from (name) (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'from' (name and address)"
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(from "Search By From Name <test@example.com>")' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Search By From Name; search by from (name) (inbox unread)"
+add_message '[dir]=bad' '[subject]="To the bone"'
+add_message '[dir]=.' '[subject]="Top level"'
+add_message '[dir]=bad/news' '[subject]="Bears"'
+mkdir -p "${MAIL_DIR}/duplicate/bad/news"
+cp "$gen_msg_filename" "${MAIL_DIR}/duplicate/bad/news"
+add_message '[dir]=things' '[subject]="These are a few"'
+add_message '[dir]=things/favorite' '[subject]="Raindrops, whiskers, kettles"'
+add_message '[dir]=things/bad' '[subject]="Bites, stings, sad feelings"'
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'folder' (multiple)"
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(folder bad bad/news things/bad)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2001-01-05 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; To the bone (inbox unread)
+thread:XXX   2001-01-05 [1/1(2)] Notmuch Test Suite; Bears (inbox unread)
+thread:XXX   2001-01-05 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; Bites, stings, sad feelings (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'folder': top level."
+notmuch search folder:'""' > EXPECTED
+notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(folder "")'  > OUTPUT
+test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'id'"
+add_message '[subject]="search by id"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"'
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp "(id ${gen_msg_id})" | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; search by id (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'id' (or)"
+add_message '[subject]="search by id"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"'
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp "(id non-existent-mid ${gen_msg_id})" | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; search by id (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'is' (multiple)"
+notmuch tag -inbox tag:searchbytag
+notmuch search is:inbox AND is:unread | notmuch_search_sanitize > EXPECTED
+notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(is inbox unread)' | notmuch_search_sanitize > OUTPUT
+notmuch tag +inbox tag:searchbytag
+test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'mid'"
+add_message '[subject]="search by mid"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"'
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp "(mid ${gen_msg_id})" | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; search by mid (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'mid' (or)"
+add_message '[subject]="search by mid"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"'
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp "(mid non-existent-mid ${gen_msg_id})" | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; search by mid (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'mimetype'"
+notmuch search mimetype:text/html > EXPECTED
+notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(mimetype text html)'  > OUTPUT
+test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'subject'"
 add_message [subject]=subjectsearchtest '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"'
 output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(subject subjectsearchtest)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
 test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; subjectsearchtest (inbox unread)"
-test_begin_subtest "Search by subject (case insensitive)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'subject' (case insensitive)"
 notmuch search tag:inbox and subject:maildir | notmuch_search_sanitize > EXPECTED
 notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(subject Maildir)' | notmuch_search_sanitize > OUTPUT
 test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT
-test_begin_subtest "Search by subject (utf-8):"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'subject' (utf-8):"
 add_message [subject]=utf8-sübjéct '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"'
 output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(subject utf8 sübjéct)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
 test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; utf8-sübjéct (inbox unread)"
@@ -42,6 +135,50 @@ test_begin_subtest "Search by 'subject' (utf-8, quoted string):"
 output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(subject "utf8 sübjéct")' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
 test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; utf8-sübjéct (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'tag'"
+add_message '[subject]="search by tag"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"'
+notmuch tag +searchbytag id:${gen_msg_id}
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(tag searchbytag)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; search by tag (inbox searchbytag unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'tag' (multiple)"
+notmuch tag -inbox tag:searchbytag
+notmuch search tag:inbox AND tag:unread | notmuch_search_sanitize > EXPECTED
+notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(tag inbox unread)' | notmuch_search_sanitize > OUTPUT
+notmuch tag +inbox tag:searchbytag
+test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'tag' and 'subject'"
+notmuch search tag:inbox and subject:maildir | notmuch_search_sanitize > EXPECTED
+notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(and (tag inbox) (subject maildir))' | notmuch_search_sanitize > OUTPUT
+test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'thread'"
+add_message '[subject]="search by thread"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"'
+thread_id=$(notmuch search id:${gen_msg_id} | sed -e "s/thread:\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/")
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp "(thread ${thread_id})" | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; search by thread (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'to'"
+add_message '[subject]="search by to"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"' [to]=searchbyto
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(to searchbyto)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; search by to (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'to' (address)"
+add_message '[subject]="search by to (address)"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"' [to]=searchbyto@example.com
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(to searchbyto@example.com)' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; search by to (address) (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'to' (name)"
+add_message '[subject]="search by to (name)"' '[date]="Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"' '[to]="Search By To Name <test@example.com>"'
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(to "Search By To Name")' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; search by to (name) (inbox unread)"
+test_begin_subtest "Search by 'to' (name and address)"
+output=$(notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '(to "Search By To Name <test@example.com>")' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; search by to (name) (inbox unread)"
 test_begin_subtest "Unbalanced parens"
 # A code 1 indicates the error was handled (a crash will return e.g. 139).
 test_expect_code 1 "notmuch search --query-syntax=sexp '('"
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