Tag hook

Subject: Tag hook

Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2018 16:25:47 +0100

To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org


From: Jeffrey Ratcliffe

Hi all,

Attracted by positive press amongst Debian Developers, and as I am
long-time emacs user, I am looking at switching to notmuch.

My current setup involves a main desktop where I read email via IMAP
with Thunderbird and use a few tags, mostly for a GTD workflow.

Out and about, I have an old notebook which isn't powerful enough for
Thunderbird anymore (so I use Claws), and a phone (K-9).

The latter means that I really don't want to leave email in an inbox,
and would like to have some sort of tag hook so that on tagging as
deleted or spam or removing the inbox tag, the mail would be moved to
the deleted, spam or archive folder, as appropriate.

Is there any suitable hook in notmuch? Or will I have to write some
lisp in notmuch-config.el? In the case of the latter, has anyone
already done something similar?


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