[PATCH v1 1/1] test: Perform T170 tests that don't require dtach before any that do.

Subject: [PATCH v1 1/1] test: Perform T170 tests that don't require dtach before any that do.

Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2017 13:50:50 +0100

To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org


From: David Edmondson

This avoids the later tests seeing different versions of the database
depending on whether dtach is available.
 test/T170-sexp.sh | 11 +++++------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/T170-sexp.sh b/test/T170-sexp.sh
index 40e5e21d..db142e49 100755
--- a/test/T170-sexp.sh
+++ b/test/T170-sexp.sh
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ add_message "[subject]=\"sexp-show-utf8-body-sübjéct\"" "[date]=\"Sat, 01 Jan
 output=$(notmuch show --format=sexp "jsön-show-méssage")
 test_expect_equal "$output" "((((:id \"${gen_msg_id}\" :match t :excluded nil :filename (\"${gen_msg_filename}\") :timestamp 946728000 :date_relative \"2000-01-01\" :tags (\"inbox\" \"unread\") :headers (:Subject \"sexp-show-utf8-body-sübjéct\" :From \"Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>\" :To \"Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>\" :Date \"Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000\") :body ((:id 1 :content-type \"text/plain\" :content \"jsön-show-méssage\n\"))) ())))"
+test_begin_subtest "Search message: sexp, utf-8"
+add_message "[subject]=\"sexp-search-utf8-body-sübjéct\"" "[date]=\"Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000\"" "[body]=\"jsön-search-méssage\""
+output=$(notmuch search --format=sexp "jsön-search-méssage" | notmuch_search_sanitize)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "((:thread \"0000000000000004\" :timestamp 946728000 :date_relative \"2000-01-01\" :matched 1 :total 1 :authors \"Notmuch Test Suite\" :subject \"sexp-search-utf8-body-sübjéct\" :query (\"id:$gen_msg_id\" nil) :tags (\"inbox\" \"unread\")))"
 test_begin_subtest "Show message: sexp, inline attachment filename"
@@ -41,10 +46,4 @@ filename=$(notmuch search --output=files "id:$id")
 attachment_length=$(( $(base64 $TEST_DIRECTORY/README | wc -c) - 1 ))
 test_expect_equal "$output" "((((:id \"$id\" :match t :excluded nil :filename (\"$filename\") :timestamp 946728000 :date_relative \"2000-01-01\" :tags (\"inbox\") :headers (:Subject \"sexp-show-inline-attachment-filename\" :From \"Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>\" :To \"test_suite@notmuchmail.org\" :Date \"Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000\") :body ((:id 1 :content-type \"multipart/mixed\" :content ((:id 2 :content-type \"text/plain\" :content \"This is a test message with inline attachment with a filename\") (:id 3 :content-type \"application/octet-stream\" :content-disposition \"inline\" :filename \"README\" :content-transfer-encoding \"base64\" :content-length $attachment_length))))) ())))"
-test_begin_subtest "Search message: sexp, utf-8"
-add_message "[subject]=\"sexp-search-utf8-body-sübjéct\"" "[date]=\"Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000\"" "[body]=\"jsön-search-méssage\""
-output=$(notmuch search --format=sexp "jsön-search-méssage" | notmuch_search_sanitize)
-test_expect_equal "$output" "((:thread \"0000000000000005\" :timestamp 946728000 :date_relative \"2000-01-01\" :matched 1 :total 1 :authors \"Notmuch Test Suite\" :subject \"sexp-search-utf8-body-sübjéct\" :query (\"id:$gen_msg_id\" nil) :tags (\"inbox\" \"unread\")))"

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