Re: Re: Solaris support - missing or incompatible functions

Subject: Re: Re: Solaris support - missing or incompatible functions

Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 11:48:30 +0200

To: David Bremner


From: Vladimir Marek

> >> There may be some prerequisites to running tests that you're missing,
> >> and the test setup fails to tell you about. A pastebin of the 'make
> >> test' output might be helpful.
> >
> > Ok, in that case please let me take a look at the tests first.
> >
> For what it's worth, I can confirm no test failures for me either on
> linux (Debian wheezy).

Thank you for looking into that. I'm still not done with fixing the test
suite on Solaris, but form ~70 broken tests I'm at 28. Mostly it's
because Solaris is trying to be posix correct while Linux does not.

There was one surprise though:

echo $A

prints two lines on Solaris bug only one line on Linux ('\n' is not
interpreted). That breaks most of json tests as they contain '\n').

Anyway once I'm done I'll have another patch.

