Re: [RFC] [was: Re: Improving notmuch query documentation]

Subject: Re: [RFC] [was: Re: Improving notmuch query documentation]

Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 02:30:53 +0200



From: Andrei POPESCU

On Jo, 15 mar 12, 17:11:08, Austin Clements wrote:
> I think having two divergent documents covering the same thing is less
> than ideal, but perhaps they could be merged in the near future.

I want to have this page more or less complete and descriptive. Once 
this is done I should be able to rewrite it more like a reference.

Regarding 'notmuch help search-terms':

$ notmuch help search-terms | wc -l

IMHO that text is better suited for a manpage, the help should be just a 
(very short) reference to refresh ones memory. What do you think?
> A few comments:
> The section on "Languages other than English" isn't quite correct.
> Xapian has no idea what language is being used, so it will still stem
> terms in other languages, but using English stemming rules.

Then I think it's safe to assume the results are very much dependent on 
the language, so if the language has some similarities to English Xapian 
might do some stemming.

> Notmuch doesn't use synonyms.


> It might be worth pointing out that "+term1" and "term1" are
> equivalent.


> "notmuch search -term2" doesn't actually work.  I've never looked in
> to why, but I've found that Xapian ignores '-' at the beginning of a
> query or a parenthesized expression.

Not sure what you mean here. Does Xapian just ignore the '-' and 
searches as if it wasn't specified? I'm usually testing stuff with 
'notmuch count', but I get:

$ notmuch count -Debian
Unrecognized option: -Debian

With 'search' I get results, but right now I can't think of a query to 

> "notmuch search term1 -term2" will work.

Does 'notmuch search -term1 term2' work?

> In the brackets section, you'll need shell escaping for those queries
> to work.  It might be worth pointing out the need for shell escaping
> at the beginning.

Right, anything other than brackets and '*'?

> XOR, NEAR, and ADJ were intentionally undocumented in
> notmuch-search-terms because they may go away some day and we don't
> want people thinking they can depend on them.

In such case I think it's better to state so.

I'll integrate all your comments (if somebody else doesn't beat me to 

Kind regards,
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)
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