Re: [alot] mails tagged 'killed' reappearing

Subject: Re: [alot] mails tagged 'killed' reappearing

Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 13:58:40 +0000

To: Philippe LeCavalier,


From: Patrick Totzke

Quoting Philippe LeCavalier (2012-03-05 13:07:39)
>Quoting Patrick Totzke (2012-03-05 05:04:21)
>>I presume by reappear you mean that once you receive another mail of that thread,
>>the thread ends up in your inbox again?
>>You should be aware that tag "killed" is not special in any kind, nor is "inbox":
>>They are just strings attached to mails that make it easier for you to filter
>>your mailboxes.
>Yeah I know what you mean. But the search mode where the killed threads
>reappear is filtered "inbox AND NOT tag:killed" which is why I do
>presume they shouldn't 'reappear'.

Right, the command that alot fires initially - if not stated otherwise in the config or command line arguments - is
"search tag:inbox AND NOT tag:killed", which opens a new search buffer for query "tag:inbox AND NOT tag:killed".

We might consider changing this, as it indeed suggest that inbox or killed tags are special in some sense.
I'm not sure if its a great idea to not fire any command initially by default. After all,
people don't start up theyr mail client and want to stare at a blank terminal.

Perhaps we could drop the "AND NOT tag:killed" here, I don't really have strong feelings about that.
To change the initial command edit the "initial_command" config option:

