Re: How does notmuch detect the presence of attachments?

Subject: Re: How does notmuch detect the presence of attachments?

Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 02:22:29 -0400



From: Jason Woofenden

> [...]
>  [textconverters]
>  application/pdf=pdf2txt /dev/stdin

Sounds awesome. I'd love the feature, and this sounds like a good
way to do it. Or maybe we should use a mailcap file like mutt
does... it has some useful features like nametemplate and maybe

> Starting with an initially empty set of textconverters seems reasonable
> and safe to me, and people could set up their own if they're interested.

I also think starting empty is the right thing to do. We don't want
to be the bad guys if there's a security exploit in one of the
converter programs.

I as a user can decide that I'd like to run `abiword -t txt` on
application/msword and application/rtf mime parts. If there's a
security issue with abiword that someone can exploit by sending me
an e-mail, then FML, but at least I won't be mad at the notmuch

     - Jason
