explain the json hierarchy format

Subject: explain the json hierarchy format

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2019 04:51:21 -0700 (MST)

To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org


From: meOme

Can anyone explain the resulting json format to me?
I have a typical respone from
notmuch show --format=json thread:xxxxxxxxx
and i don't really understand the meaning of the hierarchy.

[ what is this list?
  [ list of mails?
    [ what is this list?
      { a mail with id .... comes here
        "id": "000c01d4a6be$4db01750$e91045f0$@freenet.de",
      [] what is this list? List of responses to the mail above?
      { the next mail in that thread, that is not a response to a mail above
(otherwise it would go into the list of responses)?
        "id": "000001d4b0ab$08665f50$19331df0$@freenet.de",
        "id": "op.zu28t9ejlth65q@localhost",
          { here we have a response to the mail above?
            "id": "000001d4a44f$dd619ac0$9824d040$@freenet.de",

More questions:
- Where to finde the newest mail in the thread?
- May the same mail be in a response field and also in an "own" field in the
list of mails?


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