Re: Looking for the perfect mail client

Subject: Re: Looking for the perfect mail client

Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 09:50:10 +0100

To: Ian Main,


From: Sepp Tannhuber

Ian Main <> schrieb am 23:33 Freitag, 24.Oktober 2014:

Aha, the documentation is in the doc directory. Makes sense. :-)
I'm sorry, I have ignored it. Perhaps you could refer to
»notmuch.txt« in the README because it is the first thing people
see when they enter the github page.

> Let me know if you have suggestions on where it's lacking. 
How can I attach files?

Mutt and alot have a feature to attach files with an »Attach:« pseudo
header. It's very powerful because you can use tools like ranger to
attach files quickly.

Vice versa, alot has some problems to show some attachments. This seems
to be well implemented in notmuch-vim.

I would like to test it during the next weeks. Perhaps, I will bother
you with some feature requests on your github page.
