I've had other problems attempting to use the JSON interface recently. For starters, if I'm simply trying to retrieve a single message, the interface is rather awkard. I seem to need to do something like: my $json = `notmuch show --format=json id:$message_id`; my $parsed_json = decode_json($json); my $message = $parsed_json->[0][0][0]; And, when I'm doing my search earlier to even find those message ids, I need to do a check to `notmuch count` first to see if I'll even get any results, because the 0 result case is not valid JSON. Of course, any feedback, like "you're doing it wrong" would be helpful. My script is available at: http://git.pioto.org/gitweb?p=pioto-scripts.git;a=blob;f=mail/notmuch-poll.pl;hb=master -- Mike Kelly