I forgot to mention that I also enabled Travis-CI for notmuch, you can access it here, there are 33 failed tests, they are also failing on my own machine.

On Wed May 07 2014 at 10:28:06 PM, Wael Nasreddine <wael.nasreddine@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Thank you so much for creating Notmuch, I am coming from sup and I was looking for a more stable alternative and I think I found what I am looking for :)

I was a bit disappointed that the project is not living (or at least mirrored) to Github, it would have made my search much easier. Any thoughts on moving to Github? I took the liberty of making the first move by creating https://github.com/notmuch and splitting the contrib/ and binding/ into their own repository (conserving all their history).

@owners and devs, if you'd like to explore the Github option more I'd be happy to grant you admin rights of the notmuch Github organisation.

